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  1. Kérastase 48 items
  2. Alterna 75 items
  3. American Crew 31 items
  4. ANSWR 7 items
  5. Australian Bodycare 2 items
  6. BaByliss Pro 51 items
  7. BC Bonacure 1 item
  8. Beauty Works West 1 item
  9. Beauty Works 39 items
  10. Biolage 6 items
  11. Coco & Eve 33 items
  12. Color Wow 28 items
  13. Dermalogica 1 item
  14. Doop 3 items
  15. DR VEGAN 1 item
  16. EIMI 33 items
  17. Elemental Herbology 1 item
  18. Evolve Beauty 4 items
  19. Fudge 125 items
  20. ghd 81 items
  21. Goldwell 130 items
  22. Gorgeous Shop 2 items
  23. Green People 5 items
  24. Hair Gain 4 items
  25. Joico 120 items
  26. K18 19 items
  27. Kerastase 347 items
  28. KIS 58 items
  29. KMS 64 items
  30. Korres 36 items
  31. L'Anza 143 items
  32. L'Oreal Professionnel 212 items
  33. La Biosthetique 55 items
  34. Layrite 1 item
  35. Living Proof 102 items
  36. Liv Lindley 23 items
  37. Manta 8 items
  38. Mary Cohr 1 item
  39. Matrix 119 items
  40. Neal & Wolf 18 items
  41. Nioxin 105 items
  42. Olaplex 25 items
  43. Paul Mitchell 332 items
  44. Percy & Reed 45 items
  45. Pestle & Mortar 1 item
  46. Philip Kingsley 135 items
  47. Pureology 93 items
  48. Real Techniques 2 items
  49. Redken 195 items
  50. REN 4 items
  51. Revlon Professional 6 items
  52. Rituals 3 items
  53. Schwarzkopf 114 items
  54. Scottish Fine Soaps 3 items
  55. Sebastian Professional 3 items
  56. Shu Uemura 111 items
  57. Silhouette 2 items
  58. Skin Doctors 1 item
  59. Solgar 4 items
  60. Tangle Teezer 20 items
  61. Tisserand 1 item
  62. Tweezerman 2 items
  63. UpCircle 7 items
  64. Upper Canada UK 9 items
  65. Vida Glow 3 items
  66. We Are Paradoxx 13 items
  67. Wella 26 items
  68. 72 Hair 5 items
  69. Friendly Soap 3 items
  70. Amika 47 items
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Getting your haircare routine right to achieve the best results for you and your hair is key.

Whether you need to combat damaged hair, out of control frizz or strength hair for healthier, shinier, and happy locks.

Everyday effects can take their toll on hair from colouring, heat styling and outside aggressors, such as sun damage and pollution, stripping away hairs natural and essential nutrients. These elements can also cause hair to weaken which can encourage dryness and split ends. Our wide selection of haircare brands offers everything from vegan and sulphate-free shampoos and conditioners to root boosting heat protection.

Our great brands L’Oréal Professionnel, Redken, ghd and lots more, that are used and loved by professionals and our customers offer a wide range of treatments and care for hair. It is a known fact that healthy and luscious locks come from a good and healthy scalp, using hair treatments from our much-loved brands can get you on your way to achieving this. From the NIOXIN System 4 Scalp and Hair Treatment to the Kérastase Fusio Soothing Scrub, we offer everything you could need to get your scalp health back in check.

With the way of the world, we also know our customers are looking for more natural and vegan alternatives to haircare without all the nasties. We offer a more natural approach to hair care with our brands Pureology, Balance Me and more. These brands harness the power of plants, essential oils, and botanicals to combat the unique elements and needs of hair.

Our brands use the best quality ingredients and natural alternatives, when possible, to ensure your hair gets great care. High performing formulas with concentrated ingredients, meaning a little will always go a long way.

Amazing hair, every day of the week at Beauty Flash.